Relationship and
criminal polygraph
lie-detector tests
in Newport Beach

818 883-6969
No more doubts: the truth takes about one hour.
The US Government uses more polygraphs in a day than everyone else combined. And in California, you can not become a police officer without passing a polygraph examination, no matter how good a man oe woman you are. Now: you can use this same technology to solve your own private issues.
Preparing for the exam is important. You can choose 1 to 4 questions that you would like to know the true answer to. Those questions will be the core of the examination. We will surround your questions with many others, mostly 'known truth' questions such as 'Is today Monday?'.
Your person will be instructed to sit still, and to answer only with only one word: Yes or No. To prevent any misunderstanding, all of the questions will be discussed with the examinee before starting the exam, making sure that all can be answered with a solid Yes or No, thus eliminating shock, surprise or confusion.
Anyone can be tested, and nervousness does NOT affect the results. Call us to discuss the best way to word your questions.
You will have the complete truth and stop the lies. Visit here:)
YOU CAN WATCH THE ENTIRE PROCESS: in most cases, the client can quietly monitor the exam.
For more details, telephone
818 883-6969